Is it really people pleasing?

We often get told we are ‘people pleasing’. But what does this actually mean? We think the term has become overused and we want to encourage you to take the time to dig a little deeper. You may well find quite a lot more going on under the surface… We can see that our behaviours … Continue reading Is it really people pleasing?

An Update from The DDA on DID Awareness Day!

You may remember a while ago we said we were part of a group of people including those with Complex Dissociative Disorders, Practitioners and Ally’s who are setting up The Dissociative Disorders Alliance (The DDA). Today marks DID Awareness Day, and we thought it would be a good time to update everyone on our progress. … Continue reading An Update from The DDA on DID Awareness Day!


‘You’re being difficult’, ‘you are difficult.’‘You’re stubborn’, ‘you’re rigid’, ‘you’re being black and white’.Just a list of more ways we are difficult.‘You’re too much’, ‘you’re hard work’, ‘you’re exhausting’. Difficult. Difficult. Difficult. We can detect the exasperation in a person’s voice long before they know it is there. We can feel the wall of internal … Continue reading Difficult

A bit more on derealisation, depersonalisation and amnesia

Last month we shared our experience of navigating life when our system feels under threat. We explored how it feels to live disconnected from body and sensing and how, building our tolerance for reconnecting - re-associating, could lead us back to ourselves and maybe in time, even allow us to stay there. This month we … Continue reading A bit more on derealisation, depersonalisation and amnesia

On derealisation, depersonalisation and amnesia

TW: mentions abuse and self harm - no descriptions. Our system has felt under threat over the last few months and has gone into defcon 1, high level alert, code red! It thinks it is fighting for our life again and is pulling out all the dissociative weapons at its disposal. This has meant living … Continue reading On derealisation, depersonalisation and amnesia

What we are learning

We have had the privilege to connect with some other systems recently. It has been and continues to be the most wonderful and precious experience for us. For the first time that we can remember there is a real sense of belonging, of being seen and wanting to be seen, of being part of something. … Continue reading What we are learning

When ‘Happy Birthdays’ are more than just ‘Happy’!

Our birthday is not far away and it raises a lot of mixed feelings for us. There is the excitement of celebrations, surprises and seeing friends. But there is so much more to our Birthday than this. There is the resentment of celebrating a day that many of us wished had never happened. Alongside this … Continue reading When ‘Happy Birthdays’ are more than just ‘Happy’!

Life with DID

TW: One of the questions asks about ‘getting rid’ of other parts - short answer no way!! The answer to the third question alludes to self harm but no details are shared. A friend recently asked us some questions about our life with DID. As we mulled them over we discussed them with another friend … Continue reading Life with DID