About us and our blog

We started this blog to create the content we had been searching for.

Having been told by some professionals that Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) didn’t exist or that it was ‘just autism’ we wanted to be affirmed in what we knew – that it could be ‘both and’. We wanted to read about other peoples experiences. We wanted to see that it wasn’t just us. We wanted to belong.

We hope this blog will be able to meet some of those needs in others. Because it can be both autism and complex PTSD and DID and crippling anxiety and and and…..

What you can expect

Blog posts

Please note that all opinions are my own and are never written with the intention to hurt or undermine anyone’s way of being.

I try not to include triggering language in my posts. Where this is unavoidable I will include trigger warnings.

analysis blackboard board bubble


I will keep adding activities and resources that I have found/continue to find useful.

Some are my own creations, others have been taken from books or therapy. I have referenced their sources where applicable.

Useful Links

I have put together a list of links to external resources and organisations which you may find helpful.

If I have missed a site or organisation please let me know by using the contact form below.

Want to get in contact?

If you would like to get in contact about anything you have seen on my blog, or you would like to collaborate, please complete the following;