Ventral Vagal

The last of the Polyvagal People, depicts what happens when we are in ventral vagal. It is normal for everyone to move from ventral vagal to sympathetic activation and back again throughout the day. By strengthening our vagal break we are able to return to ventral vagal with greater ease. Feel free to download and … Continue reading Ventral Vagal

Protecting others

We have been thinking a lot about how much time and effort we put into protecting others. At times this protecting has been literal - we have protected my sister from the abuse we experienced by keeping quiet and complying with our abusers. But, more insidious than this is the way in which we have … Continue reading Protecting others


I have been thinking a lot about memories, specifically how the autistic brain experiences remembering and the similarities to flashbacks and somatic re-experiencing. There is a propensity for the autistic brain to experience events as traumatic. This can be due to sensory sensitivities, previous sensitisation from a history of bullying and social confusion and a … Continue reading Memories

Not that anxiety

*Trigger warning: mentions self harm* Anxiety is an extremely common and debilitating experience in both autism and any trauma related difficulties.   Health care professionals talk to me about my anxiety.  They empathise with how difficult it must be to constantly be worrying about the future, to have thoughts continuously running through my head.  They … Continue reading Not that anxiety